Empowering The On The Rise Community:

Lady Antoinette Penny Eatmon and Minister Jamie Eatmon Sr. are the co-founders of On The Rise Network and Outreach (OTRNO).  The organization was founded in August of 2014, its mission is to educate, motivate and inspire individuals to Rise Above life's situations and circumstances.  OTRNO seek to empower individuals, groups, and organizations to rise above life's challenges through transformative education, motivation, and inspiration. OTRNO built the online On The Rise (OTR) Community as a haven for those seeking and those who are committed to personal growth and positive change. The OTR Community is a progress community "On The Rise.

Our purpose is to create a global community that fosters positive change through education, motivation, and inspiration. By offering accessible and impactful programs, we aim to equip individuals with the tools and mindset needed to overcome adversity, pursue personal excellence, and contribute to the betterment of society.

  1. Educational Excellence: Foster a culture of continuous learning, encouraging individuals to acquire knowledge and skills that enhance their personal and professional lives.

  2. Motivational Support:  Cultivate a supportive environment where individuals are motivated to set and achieve ambitious goals. Offer motivational content that resonates with the journeys and challenges of our community members.

  3. Inspiration for Positive Action: Inspire individuals to take positive action in their lives and communities. Showcase and celebrate stories of triumph, resilience, and community impact to motivate others to make a difference.

  4. Community Building: Build a diverse and inclusive community that values collaboration and mutual support. Facilitate connections and partnerships that amplify the collective impact of our community members.

  5. Global Impact: Extend our mission globally by raising awareness and contributing to positive change on an international scale. Collaborate with like-minded organizations to address global issues and create a lasting impact.

  6. Innovative Outreach: Embrace innovative technologies and strategies to expand our reach and engage with a wider audience. Leverage digital platforms to deliver content, connect with communities, and promote meaningful interactions.
